The Book Fairy

Book Fairy logoThanks for visiting The Book Fairy! I hope you enjoyed the book that brought you here, or, if you’re just browsing, that you’re interested in the idea behind this page and the whole initiative.

You can be part of the book sharing revolution by answering the four questions below; just select your answer and hit ‘vote.’ We’d appreciate it if you did, if only so we can see how far these books have travelled.

This page contains a list of all the books the Fairy has released into the world right now.

In random locations throughout the city of Leicester (and beyond!) you’ll find books with this label on the front or inside cover: Sticker for book fairy giveaway booksThese books are free, a rolling gift from me, to you, designed to be passed on once you have read and enjoyed them.

The list below contains all the books that are currently out there somewhere, waiting to be passed around. Interact with us and other readers by selecting the book you’ve read and sharing whether or not you enjoyed it. To take it a step further, please also indicate if you have passed the book on and to whom; it would be great to know how far these books have travelled.

If you want to play more of a part then use this downloadable sheet. You can print off more of the stickers above and stick them in books want to pass on. Spread the love of reading as far as you can!

2 Responses to The Book Fairy

  1. DJ Kirkby says:

    This is a great idea! I’m going to adapt this to my Patron of Reading role and add it to my website! *sprinkles book shaped glitter*


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