Holy freakin wow! What an amazing milestone!Penguin with cake and present; party!Never, ever did I imagine I would keep up with this blogging thing long enough to write 500 posts.

I feel… light. Happy. Proud. ^_^

And this isn’t just my achievement; it’s yours too. Your interaction, conversation and love has kept me moving all this time. After all, nobody likes to talk to themselves, do they? This is your victory as much as mine and I’d like to thank you all!

In fact, as thanks, I have a give-away planned!

Join me in celebrating by commenting below; tell me what has happened to you this week (or recently) that is worth celebrating. Do that and I’ll stick your name in a hat to win one of these three goodies.
The Coldfire Trilogy
All three are awesome and all three are well-loved, but in an effort to reduce my bookshelves, I want to share and spread the love. Since I love you guys so much, you get the benefits!

So… those books to three of you and, as well as that, I’d like to gift two additional people with copies of ‘Vicki & Lara’.

cover art for Vicki & Lara ebook

It’s okay, I’ve checked with Raven… she doesn’t mind. :p

So hop to it!

Leave your comments and I’ll draw the winners in time for next Monday’s post, which means if you’d like a chance of winning something cool, you need to comment by Sunday 23.59 (GMT).

Good luck to all of you and thanks again. Here’s a hug, because you’re all great!My hugs to you!
custom signature for Ileandra's blog posts

About Ileandra Young

I'm a thirty-*mumbles* year old (purple loving, cheese worshipping) author of fantasy, juggling a pair of beautiful twin boys with my burning desire to make up stories and write them all down. When I get the chance, I play games, listen to music, and in days long past I even ran a radio show. Though I occasionally write non-fiction, my heart lives in fantasy and my debut novel, Silk Over Razor Blades is now available through Amazon along with part two of the trilogy, Walking The Razor's Edge.
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5 Responses to 500 BLOG POSTS!

  1. Congratulations! This is a huge milestone. I just finished a very busy week of performing Halloween stories all over the county, and I attended NW Bookfest last weekend, which is a writing conference in Kirkland, WA. I made a couple of good connections, and learned that the novel I am working on might be classified as “Creative Non-Fiction.” I also was motivated to improve my social media platform, and met someone I can consult about doing so. So now I am working on my next blog post, but you can be sure it will be YEARS before I reach my 500th post!


    • That sounds super-duper cool. What kind of stories? How did you get involved with that?

      I always think about my social media presence and then wonder ‘Is it enough?”Is the balance right between Twitter and Facebook?’ ‘Do I need more?’ o.O Hell if I know, but knowing there are people you can ask about it is a good boost. I might think of doing that in future.


  2. Pingback: Mah Goals – wc 11/11 | Writing: A Conversation Without Interruptions

  3. Pingback: Mah Goals – wc 18/11 | Writing: A Conversation Without Interruptions

  4. Pingback: Mah Goals – wc 09/12 | Writing: A Conversation Without Interruptions

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