I Wrote A Poem!

Yes… that is noteworthy because I don‘t write poetry. And I’m so pleased with it (ish) that I’m going to post it here for your enjoyment.

Tiny hands, tiny feet

Chubby fingers raised to meet

My face, my cheek, my lips, my nose

The flutter of my heartbeat goes

Tap, tap, tap, ratta, tatta, tat tat

There is no purer joy than that



Toothless grin, burbling laugh

My life to date has been but half

Of what it is now every day

I hope it can remain this way

Boom, boom, badda badda, boom boom

Each smile gives me cause to swoon



Twelve long months, a sleepless year

Through all the time I felt the fear

That I would not be good enough

The role of ‘mother’ would be too tough


Thump, thump, a thumpa dump dump

To their every need I’ll gladly jump


There. 🙂 And if any of you are any good with titles, give me a hand here. I’ve no idea what to call this.

Cheers! ^_^

About Ileandra Young

I'm a thirty-*mumbles* year old (purple loving, cheese worshipping) author of fantasy, juggling a pair of beautiful twin boys with my burning desire to make up stories and write them all down. When I get the chance, I play games, listen to music, and in days long past I even ran a radio show. Though I occasionally write non-fiction, my heart lives in fantasy and my debut novel, Silk Over Razor Blades is now available through Amazon along with part two of the trilogy, Walking The Razor's Edge.
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9 Responses to I Wrote A Poem!

  1. Renard Moreau says:

    [ Smiles ] Hey, call it anything that you like; after all, you wrote it!


  2. jmmcdowell says:

    The boys have you writing poetry. What will it be next? I’m thinking you’ll be writing some bedtime stories for them!


    • I did make up my own ‘ghetto’ version of Cinderella the other day. O.o Makes me wish I’d written it down, but I made it up on the fly.
      Ho hum, I’ll have to work on it! 🙂


  3. mrkelly2u says:

    Lovely and great to hear you read it aloud. I don’t ‘do’ poetry either, so I know how you feel!

    Kelly’s Eye – Writing, Music, Life


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