Six Sentence Sunday 21/10 #37

I must have been knackered last week because I didn’t even tell you guys that I’d met the HarperVoyager deadline. ^_^

It involved lots of late nights, lots of cursing and deleting and cutting and shuffling and very many cups of tea, but I did it. I polished off Silk Over Razor Blades as best I could and now it’s time to leave it alone.

By the way:


to all the people who read the piece and provided comments. Be it a sample or the whole manuscript, I can’t describe how valuable your feedback has been. Catching all sorts of things I would never have thought of, hammering at my grammar and continuity. This novel is now at its absolute peak because of you guys.

o.O I’m sure that if HarperVoyager don’t want the piece, I’ll find (more) problems with it, but for now I am resolved to leave it and move on. I sent in the details they wanted at 23:30 on 13 Oct after forcing myself to stay up and do that night. Tell you what though, I’m bloody glad I did, because when I looked at the submission portal on 14 Oct, it had closed! Even though submissions were supposed to be until 14 Oct. Apparently there was some sort of technical glitch, but I’m just glad that I didn’t have to worry about it. My heart does go out to those people who missed the deadline because of the glitch though. Terribly unfair.

Anyway, since I’ve made the deadline, I want to show off a little bit more (!!!), before moving on, so here is another six sentences form SORB, no longer a WIP but a CM (completed manuscript).

A few lines after Keith makes his comments about the ability of ‘Tech’ to find anything, his conversation with Brad continues.

“How do you get away with dressing like that?”

“I’m a volunteer who lives in the basement of this hole. Nobody gives a crap what I look like.” Fingers flying over the keys, Keith shrugged. “Take a look at the report while I sort this out. Your computer is about thirty years passed retirement age.”

I like this guy. I wish I had more space in the novel for him as a character. Unfortunately, his story just didn’t make the final cut. Ho hum.

As ever there are lots more people taking place in Six Sunday. Please use the banner below to visit the main site and say hello. 🙂
Six Sentence Sunday

About Ileandra Young

I'm a thirty-*mumbles* year old (purple loving, cheese worshipping) author of fantasy, juggling a pair of beautiful twin boys with my burning desire to make up stories and write them all down. When I get the chance, I play games, listen to music, and in days long past I even ran a radio show. Though I occasionally write non-fiction, my heart lives in fantasy and my debut novel, Silk Over Razor Blades is now available through Amazon along with part two of the trilogy, Walking The Razor's Edge.
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6 Responses to Six Sentence Sunday 21/10 #37

  1. bwtaylor75 says:

    Yay, you made it! Good luck with your sumission. I sent my submission on the fourth. Hopefully we’ll both be discovered. If that happens we’ll have to raise a toast to each other. Cheers! 🙂


    • Excellent! I meant to ask if you had and it totally slipped my mind. I’m glad. ^_^ All we can do now is wait with fingers crossed (whilst writing and submitting elsewhere!). Woop woop!


  2. jmmcdowell says:

    Congratulations on getting the submission in! And yes, take a break from SORB and enjoy a new project. When SORB is accepted, you’ll be going through more revisions anyway, but you’ll have a fresh eye for it. 🙂


    • Too true. 🙂 I’m really looking forward to November now, with whatever I end up working on. The thought of more revisions for SORB just makes my head twist (owie!) so putting that off for way down the line suits me.


  3. susankarins says:

    Congrats on making the deadline!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the hard work pays off!


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